Joao Sanda, Plant Manager
As the plant manager for the ChampionX plant in Cabinda, Angola, Joao Sanda is responsible for overseeing the production and manufacturing of chemical products - from emulsion breakers to water clarifiers - on a daily basis.
Managing a chemical manufacturing plant comes with great responsibility, a role that Joao does not take lightly. For him, "taking the time to recognize the hazard(s) and taking the appropriate steps to protect yourself, your fellow workers, family, friends, as well as the company’s assets" is imperative when going to work each day.
Recently, Joao and his team have reached an incredible safety milestone - 3,679 consecutive days, or over 10 years, with no lost time accidents. The team is both proud of the accomplishment and cognizant of how vitally important it is that they keep Goal Zero at the forefront every day.
When asked why he works safely each day, Joao says, "Because I want to go home tonight and see my family. Health and well-being should be the biggest motivator as to why you choose to work safely. It's important to really think about how a severe injury would change the rest of your life and how immeasurable a human loss would be."
Learn more about our Goal Zero culture and commitment to safety, health, and environment here.

"I work safely every day because I want to go home tonight and see my family." Sanda

The ChampionX Cabinda plant team, celebrating 10+ years of Goal Zero
Did you know? June is National Safety Month in the U.S.; the annual observance to help keep each other safe in the workplace.