XSPOC 3.2.2 production optimization software
Expanding beyond artificial lift
While much of the core capabilities of the XSPOC™ production optimization software focus on artificial lift performance, the XSPOC 3.2.2 release expands to deliver full wellsite optimization. The new features include autonomous chemical injection optimization and an advanced photo gallery for remote wellsite surveillance.

Autonomous chemical injection optimization
The XSPOC software now features a chemical optimization module, allowing you to view chemical injection system performance alongside well and artificial lift data in a single platform to make better, more informed decisions about your chemical programs.
- Easily view tank levels without going to the wellsite
- Analyze historical trend data for multiple wells in one place
- Take immediate action to avoid empty chemical tanks
- Address pump malfunctions before they become bigger issues
- Proportionally control chemical rate based on artificial lift and production parameters to ensure proper dosage
- Leverage data already being tracked in the software to make more-informed decisions, such as production rates, surface and downhole temperatures, load, well shutdowns, and more
- Avoid under-injecting and risking asset integrity, flow assurance, or safety issues while also not over-injecting and over-spending
- Integrates with any IP camera that supports jpeg snapshots
- Eliminates the need for extra visits to the field
- Works with or without a controller at the wellsite, with the ability to tie into existing communications infrastructure, with low-bandwidth requirements
- Allows user to choose frequency and scheduling of photos based on their needs
- Offers on-demand photo captures for real-time views, including live stream options
- Enables quick sort and filter options to flag and comment on selected images
- Integrates photos with related asset/well information in a single software platform
- Can be viewed on the XSPOC mobile iOS app in addition to standard desktop application for on-the-go visual surveillance
Snapshot advanced classification photo gallery
Whether driven by HSE regulatory requirements, security concerns, or a proactive approach to risk mitigation, it’s good to have visual surveillance on your producing assets. The XSPOC production optimization software now offers the SnapShot advanced classification photo gallery with IP camera integration, allowing you to quickly detect problems without driving to location.
Already an XSPOC user?
If you are a current XSPOC user needing customer support, please email Support@GoTheta.com. You can also visit our customer portal, ThetaPortal.com, to access training videos, webinar recordings, release notes, and more.
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