Custom Diamond Tooling
As a custom diamond tooling, mining drill bit, and custom coupling manufacturer, we take pride in improving production and safety for underground mining operations. Drilling 50-200 times longer than traditional carbide products. | 801-437-9310
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The US Synthetic Mining Wasp bit brings together the very latest in diamond drilling materials and innovative, new bit design to offer the longest lasting, most durable dry roof bolting drill bit in the world.

Features and benefits
- Drills up to 300 times longer
- Increases tonnage and production
- Penetrates hard rock faster
- Reduces thrust requirements by approximately 75%, increasing drill steel life and eliminating extensive wear on equipment
- Reduces respirable dust by approximately 78%
- Significantly reduces equipment downtime by eliminating the ongoing need to change out worn/broken carbide
The US Synthetic Mining Viper bit brings superior diamond drilling materials and innovative, bit design to offer long-lasting, durable dry roof bolting drill bit.
Features and benefits
- Drills 50 – 200 times longer
- Increases tonnage and production
- Penetrates hard rock faster
- Reduces thrust requirements by 50%, increasing drill steel life and eliminating extensive wear on equipment
- Reduces respirable dust by approximately 78%
- Significantly reduces equipment downtime by eliminating the ongoing need to change out worn/broken carbide

US Synthetic diamond viper and Wasp bits simply outlast all other product on the market, significantly outperforming tungsten carbide dust hogs.
Increase Tonnage and Production
- Drill more than 100-300 times longer
- Penetrate hard rock faster
- Reduce thrust requirements by 50% to increase drill steel life (6x) and to eliminate extensive wear on equipment
- Reduce respirable dust by approximately 78% and noise levels by approximately 10 decibels
- Significantly reduce equipment downtime by eliminating the ongoing need to change out and replace worn or broken carbide dust hogs
“A 200 to 600 times increase in bit life should reduce injuries occurring during bit replacement and other activities related to roof-bolting operation. (Special Report, Breakthrough in Roof-bolt Drill Bit Technology, U.S. Bureau of Mines).”

Improved Diamond Bits
US Synthetic Ceramic (Diamond) Wet Bits are new and revolutionary for improving the efficiency and mining costs associated with drilling.
Benefits of Diamond Bits:
- Outperform carbide wet drilling by 100 to 300 times longer
- Increase rate of penetration
- Replace percussion drilling
- Reduce drill maintenance
- Lower drill steel cost by reducing thrust requirements and extensive wear
- Significantly reduce equipment downtime by eliminating the ongoing
need to change out and replace worn
or broken carbide wet bits
“The cutting edge of a PDC bit remains relatively sharp throughout its life. (Optimum Thrust, Cutting Speed, and Water Pressure for Tungsten Carbide and Polycrystalline Diamond Compact Roof-Bolt Drill Bits, U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1995.)”

The advanced technology in US Synthetic reamers and bit seats substantially decrease bolting time-allowing operators to maintain continuous production output.
US Synthetic Bits:
- Decrease bolting time
- Maintain the gauge of the hole
- Adapts to most round or hex tubular drill steel extension rods
- Eliminate hole rifling and irregularities
- Increase durability and wear resistance
- Fewer stuck drill steel to fight
- Easier and faster to install resin cartridges, standard bolts and cable bolts
“Miners were quick to accept PDC bits, since they reduced by more than 50 times the necessity of replacing worn out bits. (Special Report, Breakthrough in Roof-bolt Drill Bit Technology, U.S. Bureau of Mines.)”

Reduce downtime
Today’s mining operations focus on producing the largest amount of tonnage at the lowest possible cost. To meet ever-increasing production demands, mine operators must keep their equipment running with the latest technology. They simply cannot afford to wait on roof-bolting crews using outdated equipment and techniques while continuous miners sit idle. The production challenge for many mine operators can be directly traced to carbide bits, which have been used for decades. These bits easily dull while drilling and need to be replaced frequently-slowing roof bolters and limiting production. This ongoing maintenance problem slows the mining process, decreases production, and creates safety concerns as miners scramble under unsupported areas to change out roof bolting bits so mining operations can continue.
Our products are
Engineered for the most demanding conditions
As a result of our ongoing research and development efforts, US Synthetic Mining roof-bolt bits are better able to handle the demanding environments they work in. From diamond powder to the finishing phase, every possible aspect of roof-bolt bit development is monitored, measured and improved.
Our roof-bolt bits use custom-made diamond inserts that are designed and tested to meet the specific needs of our customers. At US Synthetic Mining, we are committed to delivering the best parts now and continuing to innovate in the future to ensure success for our customers in their demanding applications.

Top-quality PDC tools
Made for the toughest environments on earth
We lead the industry in the development and production of innovative, top-quality PDC inserts that meet the highest standards and match the requirements of the most demanding engineering projects.

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