Enhanced Oil Recovery & Well Intervention
Our long-term enhanced oil recovery treatment capabilities include mobility control to improve the sweep efficiency of the existing waterflood; residual oil recovery, using customized formulations to reduce residual oil saturation in conventional reservoirs and thermal enhanced oil recovery; and innovative steam additive technology to enhance the performance of SAGD applications.
Our short-term well intervention technologies offer advanced solutions for in-depth conformance control, water shut-off, chemical well revitalization, sand control, clay stabilization, injectivity improvement as well as production enhancement in unconventional reservoirs. By combining science, innovation, and reservoir expertise we develop solutions tailored to reservoir conditions and customer needs.


Enhanced Oil Recovery
We are dedicated to enhancing oil recovery through increasing displacement efficiency to improve ROI.

Well Intervention
ChampionX offers advanced technologies for in-depth conformance control, water shut-off, chemical well revitalization,…

Polymer gel technology results in a CO2e reduction equivalent to removing 100 cars from the road
In one year, a ChampionX water shut off program designed for a well in the Lodgepole Formation, Manitoba, Canada, resulted in a CO2 equiv. reduction equivalent to removing 100 cars from the road.

Successful BrightWater™ Application in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska
An operator was looking to improve sweep efficiency after finding high heterogeneity in their operations at the Ishvak formation in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. See how our BrightWater technology was applied to over 91 wells in the region to shut off prevalent thief zones, reduce water production, and improve oil recovery.
ChampionX reservoir solutions
We bring science, innovation, and reservoir expertise to every project, backing our scientists and engineers with both proprietary computer modeling and comprehensive lab facilities. Look to ChampionX’s comprehensive IOR/EOR portfolio & technologies for:
- In-depth conformance improvement
- Water shutoff
- Mobility control and sweep improvement
- Residual oil recovery
- Advanced wettability altering formulations for unconventional EOR
- Injectivity improvement and well revitalization
- Sand control
- Clay stabilization
- Thermal EOR techniques.
From product development through field deployment, we help you maximize oil production.
Integrated lab services
In our lab, our scientists evaluate field fluids and reservoir characteristics to develop a solution tailored to reservoir conditions that complement your project’s existing water strategy – whether seawater, produced, or fresh water.
In our phase behavior lab, we perform fluid-fluid experiments to determine appropriate and optimized chemical formulations for your specific application. We also conduct fluid-rock studies including coreflood experiments and spontaneous imbibition testing to confirm the efficacy of the chemical solution in terms of oil production under resembled reservoir conditions. The results of the fluid-fluid and rock-fluid testing are history-matched to obtain upscaling parameters by our reservoir engineering team. Later, these parameters are integrated into the field representative dynamic model to predict IOR/EOR technology performance in terms of additional oil recovery and further treatment optimization.
ChampionX Global Education and Training
Our education and training resources are available to help you gain insight into our market-shaping solutions across artificial lift, oilfield chemical, diamond drilling, and digital technologies. From free virtual webinars to our established ChampionX Production Academy, learn from our industry experts to get the most out of your assets.

Our History
ChampionX has been serving customers for over a century. See our vast company history that dates back to the 1800’s.

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Resource Library
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