Customized Chemical Solutions for any Cementing Challenge
Oilfield Cementing Services
Every well completion is unique – especially in the cementing stage. Oilfield exploration into deeper and hotter regions also puts additional demands on cement additive chemistries. ChampionX has expertise developing chemical solutions that provide a competitive advantage oilfield service companies have counted on for decades. No matter the reservoir environment or degree of complexity, we provide customized solutions and oilfield cementing services that perform consistently and effectively in a variety of formations, temperatures, water types and cements.

Well Cementing Solutions

ChampionX offers both liquid and dry synthetic retarders that provide more consistent and predictable retardation across a wide temperature range and in a variety of challenging cement slurries.
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Fluid Loss Additives
ChampionX synthetic fluid loss additives perform in higher temperature environments up to 400°F. Our additives provide excellent gas migration and fluid loss control with no adverse effect on cement thickening time or compressive strength development.
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Expanding Additives
Effective bonding between cement and formations/casings is required to achieve zonal isolation. Our additives expand the cement to form a strong seal between the formation and casing for low temperatures and for ranges above 220°F.
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Chemical Wash
Chemical washes can thin and disperse the mud and have a density and viscosity similar to water that can be easily pumped in turbulence to aid the removal of mud from the wellbore. ChampionX offers both oil-based and water-based mud chemical washes to assist in effectively removing the mud prior to cement placement.
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Anti-Settling Agents
Anti-settling agents are used to prevent solids settling in cement slurries that are over-dispersed or in high density slurries where weighting agents such as hematite are used. These additives can also be used to eliminate free water in highly extended slurries. Our anti-settling agents perform across a wide temperature range and in a variety of challenging cement slurries to prevent solids settling downhole.
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Comprehensive Cementing Offerings
ChampionX offers cement additives that are compatible with and dispersible in a variety of cement slurry systems. For certain applications, our additives are also available in both liquid and solid form:
- High-temperature fluid-loss additives
- Synthetic retarders
- Anti-settling and expanding agents
- Foamers and defoamers
- Dispersants
- Chemical washes for both oil-based and water-based muds.
The ChampionX Cement Lab
Dedicated researchers develop and test new cement additives and slurries that subsequently solve our customer’s problems in our state-of-the-art cement test lab. Our lab is equipped with:
- HPHT and atmospheric consistometers
- Stirred and static fluid loss cells
- UCA- static gel and compressive strength analyzer
- HPHT curing chamber
- Viscometers, and
- Constant speed mixers
Personalized Cementing Expertise
Our people are leaders in developing, manufacturing, designing and delivering cement additives and slurries that help protect well integrity. We bring perspective, experience and a comprehensive knowledge of existing chemical programs to every cementing challenge. When we design new solutions, we do so with unique regional environmental and other regulatory requirements in mind to maintain necessary compliance. Beyond careful research and complete testing, our cementing experts also host in-house training to help customers succeed in the field.

Our History
ChampionX has been serving customers for over a century. See our vast company history that dates back to the 1800’s.

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