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Midstream Solutions

Internal Corrosion Risk Management

Reduce your internal corrosion (IC) risk threats. Our diagnostic risk analysis and risk ranking processes determine a relative risk ranking of pipeline segments to help identify the preventative and mitigative measures that best protect and extend the life of your assets.


  • Deploys field personnel to collect IC data along the pipeline system​
  • Applies industry-based algorithms to determine level of risk​
  • Provides custom reporting to aid strategic decision-making​
  • Provides IC risk analysis on historical, current, or future pipeline operating conditions ​
  • Assists with risk reduction and economic strategies for corrosion control and mitigation​
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Pipeline at an oilfield.

Visualize Pipeline Threats 

Our internal corrosion risk management program layers field test data, GIS mapping data, and pipeline operating conditions to spatially display IC threats and risk values along a pipeline. 

How It Works:

determines an internal corrosion risk ranking of pipeline facilities.

with a set of algorthims that are configurable by the operator.

Threats scored on severity scale from 1 (minimum) to 10 (maximum) for each IC threat to arrive at raw threat.

Raw number is normalized by dividing the sum by the number of criteria in each threat category.

Normalized number can then be multipled by a weighted factor (as an option) to determine the weighted probability of an IC related pipeline failure.

for each threat category are summed to determine the probability of failure for a dynamic pipeline segment.

Calculate Risk

We work with your operations, maintenance, engineering, and asset integrity SMEs to configure our pipeline internal corrosion risk calculator’s algorithms based on current pipeline system information, frequency and consequences of past events, industry-wide experience, and risk knowledge. The calculator dynamically segments linear referenced pipeline asset data (e.g., inlet and outlet locations) based on multiple criteria, providing enough pipeline segmentation resolution to support data analysis, locate local higher IC risk areas, and produce relative risk rankings.

Your Preventative and Mitigative (P&M) Partner

ChampionX’s Midstream and RD&E specialists are second to none at helping your team manage risk, compliance, and flow through appropriate and effective P&M measures. Our team will meet with you to evaluate your pipeline facility’s history, risk scores, release impacts, integrity assessment findings, condition remediation actions, and existing P&M measure effectiveness. We will then work with you to model risk reduction scenarios and identify the pigging programs, production chemistries, and validation practices to help prevent integrity threat exposures and minimize the impacts of a product release.

Actionable Data & Insights

We create a route map based on inlet and outlet locations along your pipeline system where flow conditions and product composition can affect the internal corrosion risk threat. ChampionX field personnel perform field tests, acquire samples, collect and log field test data, and upload it to our secure GIS server. We then integrate all input attributes collected from the field with operator pipeline centerline data and calculate relative risk values, including:

  • Consequence of Failure
  • Likelihood of Failure
  • Total Risk of Failure = LOF x COF

Last, we publish the results to a secure web portal, recommend preventative and mitigative measures, and monitor and track program effectiveness over time.

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